
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's been FOREVER!!!!!

Holy moly it's been forever!!! Partly due to the fact that my computer took a dive and I've just been to crazy busy to even post anything! That's just part of life though I guess :) (I've been using my iPhone for everything for the past 8 months!)

Well lucky me, my wonderful hubby got me an iPad for our anniversary last week!! Ahhh it's so nice to have a screen that I can actually see without having to increase the size of everything. So while on FB today I saw that Mandy over at Vintage Revivals took a fun quiz over on the Home Goods website. It nailed her style dead on so I thought "Heck, why not give it a go." It took seriously like 2 minutes and was totally dead on for me.

Well I'm still trying to figure out how to do this all from the iPad and it's not letting me link anything up without a super long link address so here's the website for you to go try and see what it says about you and your style! Let me know if it's dead on for you too! I would love to know your style.


ps my style is Elegant Classic